Mini Bundle Services

Test, don’t guess!

Take a comprehensive look at what’s going on in your body with a DUTCH hormone, or GI-Map stool functional medicine test.

Not ready to take the plunge into 4-month coaching? Why not take a comprehensive look into your hormonal profile and/or digestion?

**Please note, I only offer a limited number of mini bundles per year and spots are available on a first come first serve basis. Inquire or schedule a call using the discovery call link below.

Get a comprehensive look at what is going on in your body with a DUTCH Complete Hormone Test

By completing the Dutch Hormone test, you receive a comprehensive hormone panel that we can use to assess hormone imbalances.

Hormonal imbalances can cause a wide range of symptoms depending on which hormones are affected. Testing allows you to uncover what is going on beneath the surface and address it directly.

One of the defining hallmarks of endometriosis is estrogen dominance. When estrogen is high (specifically estradiol or estriol), it contributes to symptoms of endometriosis like pain, inflammation, and proliferation of endometriosis.

Are you experiencing...

✶ Headaches

✶ Decreased sex drive (low libido)

✶ Bloating

✶ Digestive woes

✶ Estrogen dominance

✶ Infertility

✶ Sleep troubles

✶ Moods swings or irritability

✶ Weight imbalances

✶ Spotting

✶ Menstrual pain & cramping

✶ Heavy bleeding

Why take a DUTCH Test?

  • Improvements in symptoms of PMS (less breast tenderness, less pelvic pain & cramping)

  • Improvements in flow (fewer or no clots)

  • Better energy levels

  • Improvements in androgen driven symptoms like facial hair growth, low energy, hair loss

  • Improvements in fertility - reduced CRP, improvements in AMH, cycle length, strength of progesterone

  • Reduced estrogen dominance symptoms

  • A better and more clear understanding of your body and what’s driving symptoms

  • Reduced inflammation overall

  • To identify SOME nutrient deficiencies, like B12 and B6

  • To better understand the gut-hormone connection through an analysis of neurotransmitter metabolism

Take the first step in understanding your body and take a DUTCH hormone complete test today.

$1,197 USD

The DUTCH hormone mini bundle includes:

▸ DUTCH complete hormone testing kit shipped to your home

▸ Pre-recorded interpretation

▸ Custom supplement, diet, and lifestyle prescription

▸2-year access to Endo Thrive Learning Platform

▸7-day chat access from receipt of interpretation to ask questions, gain clarity and develop a plan based on your results

Pricing & Payment Plans

Pay in Full

 1 Payment of

$1,197 USD

Payment plan

3 Payments of

$449 USD


Dutch Cycle Mapping Plus Complete

Great for….

$1,397 USD

The DUTCH Cycle Mapping Complete mini bundle includes:

▸DUTCH Cycle Mapping Plus complete testing kit shipped to your home

▸ Pre-recorded interpretation of your report, including custom supplement, diet, and lifestyle prescription

▸ 2-year access to the Endo Thrive Society Learning Platform

▸ 7-day chat access from receipt of your report interpretation

Pricing & Payment Plans

Pay in Full

 1 Payment of

$1,397 USD

Payment plan

3 Payments of

$515 USD



GI issues may look like this:

✶ Chronic constipation

✶ Diarrhea or loose stools

✶ Digestive woes

✶ Endobelly or bloat

✶ Infertility


✶ Acid reflux/heartburn

✶ Imbalanced gut flora following antibiotics or poor dietary habits

✶ Gas

✶ Burning or urgency when you have a bowel movement

✶ Undigested food in your stool

✶ Nausea

✶ Consistent symptoms, like nausea, with specific foods

✶ Greasy or floating stools

The GI-MAP tests the following:

⇢ Normal and opportunistic bacteria

⇢ Parasites and Pathogens

⇢ Fungi & Yeast (candida)

⇢ Gut inflammation

⇢ Leaky gut

⇢ Gut immune Response

⇢ Helicobacter Pylori

⇢ Worms & antibiotic resistance genes

⇢ Intestinal health markers

⇢ Immune response to gluten

⇢ Fat malabsorption

Why take a GI Map Stool test?

After completing a GI Map Gut Test and receiving your interpretation you can expect a multitude of improvements including:

  • Resolution of GI symptoms like constipation, loose stools, bloating, heartburn and stomach pain

  • To better understand what is driving your GI symptoms

  • To better understand how the gut influences symptoms of hormonal imbalance

  • What supplements are necessary and effective for your unique case

  • To better understand what systems are negatively impacting digestion

  • To better understand what dietary changes will help supporting lasting improvements in digestion

  • Reduced hormonally driven symptoms like breast pain, cramping and heavy, clotty bleeding

Take the first step in understanding your body and take a GI Stool Test Kit today

$1,297 USD

The GI Map Gut Test mini bundle includes:

▸ 1 GI-Map Stool testing kit

▸ Pre-recorded video interpretation of your results

▸ Custom supplement, diet, and lifestyle prescription

▸2-year access to the Endo Thrive Society Learning platform

▸7-day chat access from receipt of interpretation to gain clarity, ask questions and develop a plan based on your results

Pricing & Payment Plans

Pay in Full

 1 Payment of

$1,297 USD

Payment plan

3 Payments of

$487 USD


Kind Words

How it works

Choose A Test

Dutch hormone test

$1,197 USD


▸ DUTCH complete hormone testing kit shipped to your home

▸ Pre-recorded interpretation of your report, including custom supplement, diet, and lifestyle prescription

▸ 2-year access to the Endo Thrive Society Learning Platform

▸ 7-day chat access from receipt of your report interpretation

Book now:

Dutch Cycle Mapping Plus Complete

$1,397 USD


▸ DUTCH Cycle Mapping Plus complete testing kit shipped to your home

▸ Pre-recorded interpretation of your report, including custom supplement, diet, and lifestyle prescription

▸ 2-year access to the Endo Thrive Society Learning Platform

▸ 7-day chat access from receipt of your report interpretation

Book Now:

GI Map Stool test

$1,297 USD


▸ 1 GI-Map Stool testing kit

▸ Pre-recorded video interpretation of your results

▸ Custom supplement, diet, and lifestyle prescription

▸2-year access to the Endo Thrive Society Learning platform

▸7-day chat access from receipt of interpretation to gain clarity, ask questions and develop a plan based on your results

Book Now: