The Endo Thrive Society
Learn how to develop a comprehensive strategy to thrive with endometriosis that works!

Does this sound familiar...
You’re tired of being gaslit by your healthcare provider
You strongly suspect endo or have finally received your formal diagnosis but your management options seem limited or outside of what you’re comfortable trying
You’ve tried alternative, holistic strategies but you still believe there is a better, more comprehensive way
You’ve heard nutrition and diet can be highly effective strategies for managing endometriosis but you don’t know where to begin
You feel stuck in a cycle of pain and you don’t know what next step to take
You feel confused about all the conflicting information about endometriosis and diet and you desire nothing more than a tailored, simple strategy
So what do you do…
…do you continue living at the mercy of your surgeon’s schedule?
…or do you stay on continuous birth control even though it’s made you gain weight and your energy levels have plummeted
…or do you just keeping living in that cycle of pain…feeling defeated
…or do you just keep trying randoms supplements or nutrition strategies you read about on generic instagram pages that aren’t tailored to you?
You’re not alone...
What if I told you that birth control and hormonal suppressants aren’t the only way to live a good quality of life with endometriosis?
What if I told you there was a way to use the power of nutrition to improve your pain symptoms, digestion and fertility
And what if I told you you can drastically improve those debilitating symptoms, or finally grow your family in 4 short months?
It’s time to learn, apply and see that transformation you’ve been waiting for endowarrior. It’s time to say goodbye to the unpredictable symptoms that have been controlling your life!
It’s time to…
⇢ Learn what is driving YOUR unique endometriosis symptoms and address these drivers once and for all
⇢ Stop relying heavily on prescription or over the counter pain relievers
⇢ Take back control of your healthcare
⇢ Take back control of your body
⇢ Stop changing your plan and scheduling life events around your high pain periods
⇢ Stop feeling bloated and constipated all the time
Image if…
You knew exactly what you wanted from your frequent doctors visits and why…
Everytime you made a food choice you knew whether it would or wouldn’t serve your unique body with endo…
You made a food choice that wouldn’t serve you, you had a unique set of tools in your toolbox to quickly remedy any negative side effects…
You didn’t have to take 6 ibuprofens and 12 tylenols for 4 days every month just to function…
You finally got that long awaited positive pregnancy test…
You stopped waking up and going to bed bloated every day…
Your body just felt right, and intuitively you knew you were working with your body, not against it…
Missing important life events because of your debilitating endometriosis symptoms was no longer a concern…
This is how it should be…and how it can be for you too!
And this is why I invite you with great joy to join…
The Endo Thrive Society Program
The Endo Thrive Society Program is a high level online implementation program for endowarriors like you.
This program takes you through the proven step by step process that I have taken hundreds of warriors through and is designed to help you not just drastically improve symptoms of endometriosis and fertility, but also to make you an active and informed participant in your own care.

Take A Peek Inside
But wait there’s more...
Bonus: 1 additional 60-minute 1:1 session with me when you pay in full
The Endo Thrive Society Program works.
Don’t take it from me, take it from my clients…
“I feel so grateful to have found, Cindy. I’d gone to several gastroenterologists and gynecologists over the years and never saw any improvement in my endometriosis and IBS. After working with Cindy on and off over the last year, I have had significantly decreased symptoms and an actual cause was pinpointed for my SIBO. I know now how to live a mostly pain free life because of the perseverance in various diet/supplement trials with Cindy. She’s worth every penny!”
“Working with Cindy has genuinely changed my relationship with my endometriosis diagnosis. When I first started sessions with Cindy, I felt lost and hopeless. I suffered from intense endo belly, chronic constipation, and severe pain with ovulation and my period. I read various books, listened to numerous podcasts about endometriosis, and tried an assortment of elimination diets. I did not know where to begin, and I started to build fears around certain foods. It has been a little over a year since my first session with Cindy, and I genuinely feel my body and mindset have done a 180. Through testing and thorough assessments, it was clear I had been struggling with gut dysbiosis, hormonal imbalance, and mineral deficiencies. Her knowledge and recommendations provided me with many tools to manage symptoms and heal my body- without any elimination! I currently do not suffer from endo belly any longer. When I notice constipation flaring, I can combat it with actionable steps to improve symptoms. My last few periods have also been nearly painless, a beautiful gift and a complete change from the past. With her help, I have continued to work on balanced meals to support blood sugar, fatigue, and hormonal balance. After my experience, I will always highly recommend Cindy to any endo warrior looking for guidance and support. Today, for the first time in years, I feel in tune with my body and empowered to make decisions that support continuous healing and nurturing. I am beyond grateful for Cindy and The Supportive Endo RD practice!”
“Cindy helped me more than I can put into writing. My case is complicated, I have stage 4 endometriosis, have gone through IVF twice, and put my body through so much, it was hard to know where to begin. Cindy has so much expertise and knowledge, she is a rare gem. Not only have my endometriosis symptoms improved, but she helped heal my body so that I can once again enjoy a variety of foods. I haven’t had to take pain meds in months, and I no longer fear pain related to what I can and can’t eat. She is so lovely to work with, and put all of her know-how to work to help me. I only wish I had found her 10 years ago.”
“The goals we set were manageable, excitable and simple. My bowel issues were resolved and I finally understand now what, why and how nutrition works for me and against me while managing my endometriosis. Cindy is someone you want in your corner for support while learning how to use nutrition to your advantage to treating your endo!”
“I am happy that I decided to hire Cindy to help me manage my endometriosis pain. I learned what kind of foods I should be eating, how much of it I should eat, and we were able to identified trigger foods. I truly appreciated that she never told me I could not eat something that I enjoyed, instead she offered swaps/additions for ingredients. My pain was about a 7-8 before we started and now it is down to a 1-2. I have no more PMS symptoms to tell me my period is coming, so unless I’m actively watching my period tracker sometimes it just shows up and I’m pleasantly surprised. I never thought I’d be pleasantly surprised in terms of my period, but thanks to Cindy’s help, I am!”
“By the time I met with Cindy, my husband and I had been trying to conceive for three years with no success. I had seen nine medical providers, none of whom had been able to give me a diagnosis, much less help us become parents. I had even been told that my laparoscopy-confirmed stage one endometriosis was unlikely to account for my infertility. All of my labs and tests were “normal,” and the only medical option left for us was IVF.
In our Discovery Call, Cindy really listened to me and was incredibly generous with her time and expertise. She actively avoided selling me anything that wasn’t suited to my particular case. Instead, she found a creative solution to provide the perfect combination of testing and consultation for me. She even worked around my unique constraints living in Asia.
When all the test results were in and it came time for our meeting, Cindy was so prepared. She spoke with me for hours and followed everything up with written resources and a recording of our video call. She was able to identify several things that were indeed suboptimal and which would account for my infertility. Even better, she shared several ways I could better support my system. She addressed everything: diet, exercise, lifestyle, and supplements—all while listening to and incorporating my input. She was able to give me some explanation for why we’d been having trouble conceiving, and some hope for a way forward.
Cindy had plenty of useful and targeted supplement recommendations, but she helped me narrow it down to the few most crucial. After our meeting in April, I immediately ordered the supplements and made some changes in my eating and exercise habits. By July, I was shocked to find out I was pregnant! After cycles and cycles of ovulatory drugs with no success, along with two failed IUIs, we conceived naturally! I am convinced that it was Cindy’s expertise that finally moved the needle for us after years and years of questions and trying and heartache.
Not only were Cindy’s recommendations effective, she was a pleasure to work with. Her generosity of spirit and genuine fascination with all things endometriosis and fertility is so evident. And frankly, I think her services were a bargain. She was so knowledgeable and so gentle in her delivery. And she has absolutely changed our lives. I would recommend her to anyone with either endometriosis or infertility.”
I want to help you because I am an endowarrior too.
I too was stuck in a cycle of pain, fearing for my future and feeling completely defeated - body, mind and spirit. I’m Cindy, and I live with endometriosis too. I often have to pinch myself to remind myself that I’m not living in that circa 2015 horror story that was my life: chronic pain, constipation, low energy, terrible moods and lacking excitement for my future. Endometriosis was taking everything from me.
I can’t believe that my job is supporting warriors like you to reduce chronic pain, improve fertility and digestion and thrive! The endowarriors that I have supported, whether it’s with pain reduction, quality of life, or growing a family, are my biggest accomplishments in life.
I’d love to be that support for you too!
Is the Endo Thrive Society Program for YOU?
I’ll be very honest with you endo friend, this program isn’t for everyone.
I can only really help those people who are mentally prepared, as well as prepared with their time to put in the effort to create a lasting change.
Endowarriors who can and WILL show up when they need support
People who can acknowledge when they need support and make use of it when it’s available
People who have suspected or diagnosed endo who want to get to the bottom of their symptoms, and stop using generic strategies to see if they stick
Endowarriors who are willing to spend 1-2 hours a week on self study, or who have the capacity to invest financially in 1:1 support if needed
If this sounds like you...

Ready to have a clear, unique strategy informed by functional testing and evidenced based nutrition information?
upfront investment
$2697 USD
1 x 60 minute 1:1 BONUS session
Access to full Endo Thrive Society online learning platform (life of the program + 2 month extended access, 6 months total)
Weekly group calls
1 x DUTCH Complete hormone test
1 x Hair tissue mineral analysis test
1 x 90 minute 1:1 intensive session
Slack community where you can have questions answered
Option to book in additional 1:1 session as needed (at an additional investment)
Discounts on Endo Flare Care supplement line
6 monthly payments of
$500 USD
Access to full Endo Thrive Society online learning platform (life of the program)
1 x 90 minute 1:1 intensive session
Weekly group calls
1 x DUTCH Complete hormone test
1 x Hair tissue mineral analysis test
Slack community where you can have questions answered
Option to book in additional 1:1 session as needed (at an additional investment)
Discounts on Endo Flare Care supplement line
Frequently Asked Questions
I will be available Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays EVERY WEEK (with minor exceptions) to address questions and provide direction in our weekly group calls. You will also be given access to Slack - our private community where you can drop questions as they come up. You will also have the opportunity to submit questions, labs, food charting etc. for review by me personally prior to our weekly calls. Lastly, if needed, there is always an opportunity to book in 1:1 calls at an additional investment of $197 USD per 60 minute session.
This program is modelled after the exact strategies that I use with my highly successful 1:1 clients, and therefore, I have no doubt that if you trust the process, seek out support when needed and commit to the program, you will achieve your goals. For this reason I have a no refund policy.
No. The Thrive With Endo Program - my highest level 1:1 coaching program is also available, but the investment for this program is significantly higher.
This program is designed to help you identify your unique endo symptom drivers, but it’s not enough to identify them - we have to act on them too! If you follow the structure of the program, seek out support when needed and trust the process, you can expect to see progress in ALL of your unique objectives. Endometriosis can be a stubborn condition with no rhyme or reason. In these scenarios you may find progress a little slower. I can promise you that I will be investigating alongside you; you will never feel alone, but in rare cases, surgical intervention is required and holistic strategies do not suffice.
I know how frustrating it can be to invest over and over again in someone who promises you great results, which is why I encourage you to schedule a FREE discovery call session. During this call we will get to know one another better and assess whether we’re a good fit and whether or not investing in support through me is a good use of your resources.
In terms of what makes me different; I work from a functional medicine lense, meaning I look for root cause approaches. You may be wondering how I do that when we don’t know the cause of endometriosis, and you’d be right! I do, however, look at the systems we know make endo symptoms worse (like the gut, heavy metals, diet and how hormones are cleared through the liver and stools) and optimize those systems for symptom improvements/relief.
If you are on birth control and not ovulating, you can NOT complete the DUTCH hormone testing. In this scenario, if you have digestive symptoms and prefer to swap the DUTCH for a SIBO or stool test this is an alternative. The other option, if this is your choice, you can transition off the birth control during the program and complete the DUTCH test 3 months later.
If you are on a progestin only or an IUD and you can confirm ovulation, you can complete the DUTCH test.
The HTMA is not affected by hormonal suppressants or birth control.
You can make this program as high level support as you require. You can very easily book in as many 60 minute 1:1 sessions as you need at an additional investment to this program.
If you require very high level support, you should consider my premium 1:1 program - Thrive With Endo