Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis
A starting point for comprehensive in-depth information
Struggling with a nagging feeling that something is “off” with your body?
You’re not entirely sure what is wrong but you do know it’s time to take the first step towards understanding your body better.
Maybe you’ve gone to the doctors and discussed your symptoms but you still feel like you’re not getting to the root cause of the issue.
You already live a healthy life but you’re at a standstill trying to understand what supplements your body needs to thrive.
The HTMA test gives you insight into your thyroid function, hormonal health, possible nutrient deficiencies, nervous system balance, heavy metal status, and metabolic function.
If you are:
Unsure of where to begin when trying to optimize your health
Looking to better understand 1 specific issue
Experiencing fertility issues
Want to understand your unique nutrient needs
looking to better understand the bigger systems: thyroid, adrenal, how is stress affecting your body
You’re not alone...
A hair tissue mineral analysis test screens minerals including...…
electrolytes - calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, and phosphorus and trace minerals - copper, manganese, chromium, selenium, iron, molybdenum, cobalt, and zinc.
Toxic metal screening includes lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic, nickel, barium, and aluminum.
Why take a Hair and Mineral Analysis?
A solid understanding of what systems need support and how to address them
What mineral or electrolyte deficiencies are driving your symptoms and the severity of these deficiencies
To better understand your iron status (is it a true iron deficiency or just a copper/retinol deficiency)
To better understand the quality of your water supply
To better understand what heavy metals you are being exposed to regularly
To better understand the interaction of minerals and electrolytes in your unique body
Hair and Mineral Test
Hair and Mineral test includes:
▸ 1x 60 minute consult including interpretation of report
▸ Mineral balancing protocol (nutrition and lifestyle recommendations)
▸ Custom supplement prescriptions (as needed)
** it’s best to wait 6-8 weeks after you have coloured your hair to complete this test