lab work paper work

Unlock a Deep Understanding of Your Body’s Signals and Optimize Your Health with Endometriosis!

filling out labwork forms

Does this sound familiar...

  • Are you feeling lost in a sea of unanswered health questions when it comes to your endometriosis symptoms?

  • Does the prospect of lab testing make you excited for answers, only to be let down and told “everything is normal”?

  • Do you want to feel like an active participant and member of your healthcare team on your endo health journey?

  • Do you wish that you had more control over your endo health journey?

  • Does the thought of navigating your endometriosis symptoms leave you feeling overwhelmed and unsure where to turn?

photo of cindy endometrioisis dietition sitting at desk working

I’ve been there.

With so many endo sufferers being gaslit and excused, you deserve to reclaim some control over your health journey …

Your first step towards clarity, confidence, and control starts with an understanding of your blood labs.


your comprehensive resource for understanding optimal blood lab ranges for endo sufferers, what abnormal ranges could mean and how to connect and make sense of them in the context of your endometriosis symptoms.

Empower yourself with actionable strategies to take control of your endo journey

With this guide, you’ll discover:

  • Key lab markers and their optimal ranges for endometriosis sufferers

  • Insights into what your body is telling you when lab markers are high vs low

  • A combination of possible diet, lifestyle and supplement interventions to normalize abnormal lab markers, and to improve your endo symptoms.

doctor in lab coat going through lab work results

This resource will help you regain control and clarity of those symptoms no one has been able to explain.

It will help you better understand the signs and symptoms your body has been communicating, but reflected in the numbers on your annual blood draws. This resource will provide you with clear actionable steps, or further steps for investigation that can help you mitigate a faster return of endo symptoms, improve your quality of life now and help you have a better understanding of your nutrient needs and deficiencies.

Ready to get your hands on this guide and finally start taking control?

Labs Included

  • Results

    • White Blood Cell

    • Neutrophils

    • Lymphocytes

    • Monocytes

    • Basophils

    • Platelets

    • Eosinophil

    • Serum IgA

    • Serum IgG

    • Serum IgM

    • Thyroglobulin antibodies

    • Thyroid peroxidase antibodies

    • Tissue transglutaminase (tTG) IgA

    • Tissue transglutaminase (tTG) IgG

    • Antinuclear antibody

    • Triglycerides

    • HDL

    • Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)

  • Results

    • Prolactin

    • Progesterone

    • Free testosterone

    • Testosterone, total

    • FSH

    • DHEAs

    • Estradiol

    • Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)

    • TT4

    • TT3

    • Free T4

    • Free T3

    • Luteinizing hormone (LH)

    • RT3 (Reverse T3)

    • CD 3 estradiol

    • Peak estradiol

    • Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG)

  • Results

    • C-reactive protein (CRP)

    • HbA1C

    • Glucose, fasted

    • Insulin, fasting

    • Cholesterol, total

    • LDL

    • VLDL

    • Ca-125

    • Homocysteine

    • ALT

    • Serum Iron

    • % transferrin saturation

    • Ferritin

    • Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH)

    • AST

  • Results

    • Calcium

    • Calprotectin

    • Gamma Glutamyl Transferase (GGT)

    • CO2

    • Albumin

    • Alkaline phosphatase

    • Total Protein

    • Total globulin

    • Albumin/globulin ratio

    • BUN (blood urea nitrogen)

    • Hemoglobin

    • Phosphorus

    • Direct bilirubin

    • Total bilirubin

    • Hematocrit

  • Results

    • B12

    • Folate

    • TIBC

    • Uric acid

    • Copper, plasma

    • RDW

    • Retinol (vitamin A)

    • Vitamin D

    • Mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH)

    • T3 uptake

    • Anion gap

    • Magnesium

    • Mean corpuscular volume (MCV)

    • Mean platelet volume (MPV)

    • Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC)

    • RBC: red blood cell

  • Results

    • Potassium

    • Sodium

    • Chloride

Plus these bonuses!


With your purchase, you get the guide PLUS these bonus resources

  • Endo Diet Score

  • Gluten Free guide

  • Bitter Foods List

  • Biphasic Diet Google Sheet List

  • Low Histamine Diet Food List

  • Guide to EDCs

  • PLUS the document links to my favourite products that you can find throughout the guide

I created this guide to help you because I’m an endo warrior too.

I understand firsthand the challenges and struggles of living with endometriosis.

I have been in a place of chronic pain, fear for the future, and a feeling of defeat in body, mind, and spirit. As someone who has walked the same path as you, I’ve made it my mission to help others improve their symptoms of endometriosis through a deep understanding of the very signs your body is speaking to you.

Having a deep understanding of the physical and emotional toll of endometriosis, I have made it a commitment to empower others to reduce chronic pain, improve fertility and digestion, and ultimately thrive. I can’t believe that my job is supporting warriors like you, witnessing transformations in the lives of those who have trusted me along their endo journey.