Finding the Right Endo Specialist—Thinking Outside the Box

Many women endure discomfort and pain with each new menstrual cycle. However, somehow we soothe our bodies, and the feelings subside (or at the very least get a little duller).  


When the pain becomes so bad that it’s affecting your quality of life and preventing you from doing your daily activities—endometriosis might be the diagnosis. Despite the confusion and lack of information from our doctors, we prevail and endure the pain.  


When you feel like you’re fighting a battle with your own body, it’s time to find a specialist for endometriosis. We are endowarriors, but we don’t need to fight these intense battles alone. Since there’s no cure for endometriosis and very few trained specialists exist worldwide, searching for an endo specialist can be a long and complicated process.  


It’s time to get creative! In this post, I’ll help you shift your thinking to find an endo specialist that advocates for your health. 


The Challenges of Finding a Specialist for Endometriosis 


As you search for an “endometriosis specialist near me”, you’ll definitely encounter challenges along the way. I’ve been through it on my own journey to find an endo specialist when I first suspected I had endo. Full disclosure: it’s not an easy feat by any means, but don’t give up on finding a specialist for endometriosis!  


Here are some of the challenges you might run into: 

Endometriosis ​is Often Misdiagnosed  


It’s important to receive an accurate diagnosis in order to even find an endo specialist. Endometriosis is so commonly misdiagnosed, as many of the symptoms can be associated with other health conditions. For example, more than 90% of endo sufferers also live with IBS-like symptoms and digestive issues, which makes teasing IBS and endometriosis apart, a barrier to fast and accurate diagnosis. Non-specific endo symptoms, such as lower right quadrant pain, rectum pain, chronic fatigue, or skin conditions, can also lead to a wrong diagnosis from ​doctors. If you're being misdiagnosed, the referral you need to a specialist never gets there. 

Not Many Endo Specialists Exist 


Actually finding an endo specialist in your area will be another challenge since not many endo specialists exist, period. Out of over 40,000 OB/GYNs in the US, there are only about 100 endo specialists. So out of those 100, what are the chances that one of them will be in your area? Unfortunately, the odds are against endowarriors when searching for an endometriosis specialist. 


Lack of Quality Care and Compassion 


To add to the difficulties, it may be an additional barrier finding a specialist who will pursue the gold-standard of excision surgery as a primary treatment strategy over prescribing hormone therapy. All too often practitioners will try pushing birth control to manage your endo symptoms without much regard to the person behind the patient chart. Finding someone who is respectful and considerate of you as a person can unfortunately, be difficult.  


Shift Your Perspective on Endo Specialists 

 Ultimately, you need to find an endo specialist who’s not only experienced but is open to supporting you in your journey. At the top of your wish list should be someone who will take the time to understand your own system and triggers. Instead of thinking of an endo specialist as a surgeon, let’s adopt a holistic perspective and redefine the term.  


It’s crucial to try functional, complementary, holistic, and alternative medicine strategies when managing endometriosis. Even a well-educated, trained endometriosis surgeon will agree. Here are some creative alternatives to consider on your endo journey (especially if accessing excision surgery is proving to be a challenge): 

Endometriosis Dietitian  

A registered endometriosis dietitian with a non-restrictive approach to diet can help you gain better control over many of your most debilitating endometriosis symptoms. By taking a comprehensive approach to your unique symptoms, a functional medicine-focused dietitian can help identify and address the root of your endometriosis driven inflammation.

As an endometriosis dietitian (who also has endo), I pride myself on helping women improve their endo pain, endo belly, and infertility without harsh, unfulfilling, and restrictive diets. My approach involves functional testing, so I’m not guessing where your care is concerned. Functional testing also helps save us time and narrow in on exactly what systems in your body need supporting. 

Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist 

Another resource to consider finding is a pelvic floor physical therapist. This specialized physical therapy focuses on strengthening (or stretching) muscles in the pelvic floor. A pelvic floor physical therapist can help to treat the pain you may feel in this area due to endometriosis, or scar tissue. They can work to identify muscle trigger points and tight connective tissues that could be causing pain, bladder issues or GI related symptoms. 

Pain Clinic 

Using a pain clinic versus just a surgeon can also alleviate pain associated with endo. These healthcare facilities focus on the management of your chronic pain from endo. Beyond medication, they use physical, behavioral, and psychological therapies. Some also offer guidance on lifestyle changes, alternative medicine options and medical cannabis.  


Having someone to open up and talk to without judgment is essential. High rates of depression and anxiety occur in women with endometriosis. I know first-hand how isolating being an endowarrior can be, especially when no one around you understands what you’re going through. A mental health provider can help you process your feelings and frustrations associated with your endo. While I am not a fan of ANY notion that suggests endo pain is all in your head, the physiological truth is that pain originates in the brain, and negative thoughts and experiences have a lot to do with how we process and experience pain.

Take Control of Your Own Health 

If you’re struggling to find an endo specialist, it’s time to regain control of your body and health. The average time it takes to receive an endometriosis diagnosis is ten years! It’s an unfortunate reality that women’s healthcare hasn’t grown to the level it needs to be at. That’s why I created a program to help you become your own best endo specialist.  

The Endo Thrive Society Program is a high-level online implementation program designed to help endowarriors become active and informed participants in their own healthcare. The main goal is to drastically improve endo symptoms and fertility.   

The possibilities are endless when you take control of your own health—I can’t wait to help you along the way! 


How to Manage Endometriosis Naturally


7 Uncommon Symptoms of Endometriosis