Do Supplements for Endometriosis Fertility Actually Work?

When you get an endometriosis diagnosis, it can be both a relief and an overwhelming feeling. The relief comes with knowing there’s a reason causing your uncomfortable and painful symptoms. The overwhelm happens when you think, “Now what?” If you’ve been struggling with infertility, whether it’s been months or years, an endo diagnosis can shed some light on why this may be happening.

So, how do you improve your chances of getting pregnant with endo? Diet and nutrition play an integral role in this (it’s one of the reasons why I became an endometriosis dietitian!) You may have heard about supplements for endometriosis fertility and want to learn more about them. Let’s get into more details on that and give you more insight into how your endo affects fertility.

Does Endometriosis Affect Fertility?

While many endowarriors may experience infertility, it’s not the case with everyone. Each person has their own unique experience when trying to conceive with endo. Studies have shown that the chances of getting pregnant for those without endometriosis are between 10-20%. For those with endometriosis, it lowers to 1-10%.

Fertility can be affected by endometriosis due to factors such as:

  • Inflammation, whether localized or systemic, that prevents sperm from reaching the egg

  • Structural issues like blocked tubes or scarred ovaries due to endo growths around the fallopian tubes or ovaries

  • Negative effects on egg quality or cervical mucus production that make it more difficult to conceive

  • Immune dysfunction, such as when your immune system is overactive. In this scenario the immune system will literally attack sperm, making it harder for sperm and egg to meet, and if your immune system is weak, low cortisol levels communicate to the body that it’s not a good time to conceive

  • Hormone imbalances during your cycle can lead to losses, poor implantation, or chemical pregnancies.


If you’re struggling to conceive, know that you’re not alone! Speak to a healthcare professional to see what options will work best for you and your body. 

Is It Beneficial to Take Vitamins for Endometriosis and Fertility? 

You may have heard about taking specific minerals or vitamins for endometriosis and fertility. As an endometriosis dietitian (and endowarrior myself!) I believe that diet and what you put into your body can affect your endo symptoms—for better or worse! Through extensive research, reviewing studies, adjusting my own diet, and working with my clients, I’ve come to find that nutrition really makes a difference.


Inside my coaching program, I create specific nutrition plans, unique to my individual clients, to help manage symptoms of endometriosis. I like to recommend certain nutrients and vitamins to help with endometriosis symptom relief. I also have covered fertility dietary tips specifically for those with endo who are trying to conceive. But what about supplements for endometriosis fertility? I’ll cover that next! 

What Are the Best Fertility Supplements for Endometriosis? 

Some of the best fertility supplements for endometriosis are those that help target hallmarks of endo to support your body when trying to get pregnant. A quality prenatal will ensure you have all of the nutrients needed for pregnancy. When looking for supplements aimed at improving fertility, certain vitamins and minerals can be more beneficial for those with endo. 

I like to recommend the following supplements for endometriosis fertility: 

Vitamin D 

Taking a supplement with Vitamin D can help fetal development/growth, improve uterine health, and boost immunity. All of these factors are important to promoting fertility! The dose I recommend for the best results is between 2000 and 4000 IU daily. 


Omega-3 fatty acids are beneficial for your overall health, but especially for fertility and reproductive health. Take Omega-3s to boost the production of progesterone during your luteal phase and regulates hormones. It’s also been found to reduce inflammation and promote the growth of eggs in the ovaries. 

Vitamin B6 

Another beneficial vitamin for keeping the balance of various hormones in our body is vitamin B6. If you’re deficient in B6, you’re more prone to hormonal imbalance, especially with estrogen and progesterone (which are essential for fertility.) Taking B6 during your luteal phase can help boost your progesterone production. 


Herbatonin is a plant-derived form of melatonin made from rice, alfalfa & chlorella. Melatonin plays a vital role in egg quality, fertilization, and embryonic development. I like to recommend herbatonin as it has been shown to be even more effective than synthetic melatonin. It’s also known to reduce inflammation and promote restful sleep (both crucial for endo and fertility!). These are not safe in pregnancy, but can be used while trying to conceive to lower inflammation and promote good reproductive health. 


Inositol is a naturally occurring sugar that’s often taken as a supplement for those with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). It’s known to improve ovarian function by increasing insulin sensitivity of the ovary, which can improve egg quality. A d-chiro and myo-inositol blend is also science backed for supporting fertility in endo sufferers specifically. 


Coenzyme Q10 occurs naturally in our bodies to produce energy and serve as an antioxidant. When taken as a supplement for fertility, it has been shown to improve egg quality by protecting the eggs from oxidative stress. CoQ10 also plays a role in maintaining energy levels in the body needed for conceiving.


NAC is a great egg quality support supplement. NAC also helps support health estrogen levels by supporting elimination of estrogen in both phase I and phase II detoxification that happens in the liver. Lastly, NAC can promote cervical mucus production in people with endometriosis, which is an obvious important consideration when trying to conceive. 

Castor Oil Packs 

Castor oil packs are not a supplement you can take orally, but it’s a great lifestyle intervention to include on your TTC journey with endo. 

Before using castor oil packs, note that they shouldn’t be used while menstruating or when pregnant. Using castor oil packs three to five times per week helps to reduce inflammation in the pelvis, promote blood flow and support lymph drainage. 

Finding Support for Your Endo and Fertility Journey 

The process of family planning can take many unexpected twists and turns, especially when you also have endometriosis. While some endo warriors deal with infertility, others may not have an issue with it. It’s important to explore various supplements for endometriosis fertility and do your research. When it comes down to it, the best fertility supplements for endometriosis are the ones that work best for you and your body. If you’re unsure which specific vitamins for endometriosis and fertility you should try, always consult your doctor before starting a new supplement.  

Trying to conceive? I’d love to help support you on your TTC journey! Send me a message, and let’s chat about how to navigate endometriosis and fertility.


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